Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Palm South University (PSU #1.1) by Kandi Steiner

Palm South University (PSU #1.1) by Kandi Steiner
Published: August 25th, 2015
Spoiler Free by Meagan

"Drama. Lies. Sex. 
Welcome to Palm South University. 
The weather isn’t the only thing heating up in South Florida. At a school where fraternities and sororities don’t exactly play by the rules, relationships are bound to be tested. Parties and sex are definitely key ingredients in the Palm South recipe, but what happens when family issues, secret lives, and unrequited love get tossed in the mix? 
Follow Cassie, Bear, Jess, Skyler, Erin, Ashlei, and Adam as they tackle college at a small, private beach town university. Written in television drama form, each episode of this serial will pull you deeper and deeper into the world of PSU. 
Where the sun is hot and the clothes are scarce, anything can happen."

I'm not entirely sure why I waited so long to dive into the PSU world, I know from past experience that Kandi works magic with her words. Just like with Weightless, I bombarded her with my thoughts while I read PSU and it's amazing being able to talk to the person who brought something so incredible into my life. PSU is a set of serial novellas that came out every week, just enough suspense in between each one to make us readers go stir crazy. 

In episode one you meet pretty much everyone you'll need to know by the end of season one, being that each chapter is a different character which is probably the best part about PSU. The first person you meet is Cassie, a pretty red head from Arizona, moving to Florida with her best friend and fellow red head Paris. Going away to college and rushing a sorority  with your best friend seems like a pretty genius idea, right?

Cassie quickly learns by the end of episode one that maybe her and Paris aren't as close as she thinks they were. The most obvious thing is the different houses they want to rush. Where as Cassie didn't feel a connection with any of the houses, it all changes when she leaves the KKB house. Paris on the other hand wants to go to a house that isn't "so boring" as she put it. 

The next person you meet is Bear and let me tell you, I want him as my best friend and big brother. He is the best thing ever, think of your BFF goals and that is Bear. His real name being Clinton, I would try to find a cool nickname like Bear too. His blood family may not be the best, save for his little brother Clayton, but getting to choose your family, now that is the best thing in life. 

Next comes Jess one of the girls in KKB that Cassie met during her tour. You can tell just from the beginning that this girl is going to cause some trouble along the way. When Jess sneaks out of the KKB house to get drunk and hopefully hook up with someone she wasn't prepared for the strong need for round two. Hell, I would want a million rounds with the guy she describes. 

The end of episode one circles back to Cassie and she struggles with which sorority to pick. does she go with KKB, the only house she actually felt comfortable in or should she go with another house? Does she want to be in the same house as Paris to try and stay friends, is it even worth it? Sitting at a pond on campus the last night she has to choose a house, Cassie talks to a girl that she knows is in a sorority but as it would be considered "dirty rushing" she doesn't know until the embroidered letters on this strange girls bag gives her away.

The problem with "suiciding" a house is that if they don't want you, then you don't have a house to run to when the time comes. The next day all of the girls rushing are forced to sit on their envelopes that give them their fate. Does Cassie have a home to run to or will she end up alone and have Paris shun her? Will Paris shun her when they end up in different houses? Why is Paris such a shitty friend? (I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE ANSWER TO THAT ONE *EHEM*) When they get to open their bids and run home, Paris acts like Cassie was only supposed to choose Zeta and not have her own choice. 

When Cassie gets to the KKB house she realizes just how much magic the pond from the night before really held when she sees the girl. Though this is only the beginning of season one, things seem to be falling a little bit more into place.

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