Review Requests

Hey Authors.. thanks for considering BedKnobs and Book Babes for your review needs.

We are currently available to receive books for review, but we can only handle a few requests at a time.

There are four of us at Bedknobs and BookBabes, so if you send your book via email, all of us may have access to it, which allows us all to read it, and collaboratively review it.

   We accept both print and eBooks. We accept ARCs, as well as books that are already released. However, if a book is unreleased and you would like for us to hold our review until a certain time, please be sure to tell us. We do accept Self-Published books, but if we agree to do your review request, please be sure to include a book cover, and any other information you would like us to share.

All reviews will be posted on our blog and Facebook, as well as at least one member of our teams Goodreads account. We are in the process of setting up a Twitter account.

We do not limit ourselves to what books we will read and review 
but we do ask that you answer a few questions when you send over your request.

1. How long is the book?

2. Standalone or a part of a series? If part of a series, are they interconnected standalones or one continuing a series?
3. If this is the first of a series, are the rest of the books already out? Already written? When are you planning on releasing them? 
4. Genre?

Please also include the following in the email:

1. Synopsis/blurb
2. Goodreads and/or Amazon link if available
3. Small excerpt so that we can get a feel for the writing style

or reach out to us on Facebook

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    My name is Philippe, a new fan of your site.

    I saw you mentioned an ARTICLE RELATED to MMA.

    Fortunately, I published a masterpiece content about "MMA Training For Beginner" recently.

    I strongly believe that our comprehensive post would be a great addition to your page.

    So, if it's possible, could you please include my post on your article as a reading source?

    Here is our post for your reviews

    Let me know what you think, what you want for further discussion and thanks a lot for your consideration.


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