Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Palm South University (PSU #1.3) by Kandi Steiner

Palm South University (PSU #1.3) by Kandi Steiner
Published: September 8th, 2015
Spoiler Free by Meagan

"Drama. Lies. Sex. 
Welcome to Palm South University. 
The weather isn’t the only thing heating up in South Florida. At a school where fraternities and sororities don’t exactly play by the rules, relationships are bound to be tested. Parties and sex are definitely key ingredients in the Palm South recipe, but what happens when family issues, secret lives, and unrequited love get tossed in the mix? 
Follow Cassie, Bear, Jess, Skyler, Erin, Ashlei, and Adam as they tackle college at a small, private beach town university. Written in television drama form, each episode of this serial will pull you deeper and deeper into the world of PSU. 
Where the sun is hot and the clothes are scarce, anything can happen."

Oh episode three, where do I begin. Things just keep getting better and better with the main POVs being Ashlei, Adam and Erin. It really is amazing hearing from so many different voices. Wow, that makes me sound crazy, I can;t imagine what it feels like to be an author and have all these voices in my head.

Any who, we start back up with Ashlei. Finally learning what she's been hiding from everyone and what a secret it is. Of course I can't tell you what it is, that would make so much sense and spoil it for you. Don't worry, nothing illegal. Yet.

Next we hear from Adam who is trying to bring his fraternity back up and get more people interested in it. We also get to meet Jeremy who is helping Adam pass out fliers for a concert. Unfortunately we also meet Clay, Adams dick of a president who essentially does not want to have the house get any recognition. Why would you want that? Personally I don't understand him and wish someone would punch him right in the nose.

The next little chapter is told in Erin's POV and starts off talking with Siomara about her last initiation which also leads to talking about Cassie, all good things I promise, she is the newest member to their family line being that she's Cassie's little. We also learn a little more about Erin's family, but only a little. More of that to come in season two. 

All in all I would say episode three kept us on our feet, as for me I loved it and couldn't wait to delve into more of it. I do have some feelings towards a few of the characters and what they're doing or thinking. Some times I wanted to jump down their throats others I wanted to slap (*EHEM* Clay) I just don't understand that guy and I don't think I ever will.

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