Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kick Push by Jay McLean

Kick Push by Jay McLean
Released August 4, 2015
Spoiler Free Review by Krystal


"There’s a single defining moment within every skater.
It lasts only a second. Two if you're good.
Three if you’re really good.
It’s the moment you’re in the air, your board somewhere beneath you, and nothing but wind surrounds you.
It’s the feeling of being airborne.

The sixteen-year-old version of me would’ve said it was the greatest feeling in the world.
Then at seventeen, I had my son.
And every single second became a defining moment. Even the ones that consisted of heartbreak when his mother left us.

Seventeen. Single. Dad.
That’s what my life became.
Yet, every day, I managed to find that feeling of being airborne.
Or at least I convinced myself I did.
But I lied—to myself and to everyone around me.
Until she showed up; Tanned skin, raven dark hair, and eyes the color of emeralds.

You know what sucks about being in the air?
Coming down from the high.
Sometimes you land on the board and nail the trick.
Then kick, push, and coast away.
Other times you fall.
You fall hard.
And those are the times when it’s not as easy to get back up, dust off your pads and try again.
Especially when the girl with the emerald eyes becomes your drug...
And you become her poison."

O.M.FIRETRUCKING.G !!! Have you ever read a book that just left you ABSOLUTELY speechless? A book whose every single world is overflowing with passion and feels? I LOVE Jay McLeans "More Than Series," in fact its in my top 3 favorite series of all time. I didn't think I could love her writing as much as I did that series...but its true...I DO! Even though the two are not related..the two are nothing alike...but at the same time, every bit the same!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review <3

I devoted my entire Saturday to Kick Push. I cried over and over as my heart broke for Josh and his story. 

We first met Josh in Where the Road Takes Me... I feel in love with both him and Tommy. If you haven't read Where the Road Takes Me, don't worry, you can read Kick Push as a standalone (though I HIGHLY recommend reading WTRTM at some point).

Josh and his girlfriend Natalie find themselves in a sticky situation at the young age of 17. Pregnant. They then make a promise to do it together. And when their families turn their backs on the two of them, Natalie breaks, and leaves him with nothing but a baby and a note, "I'm sorry, Josh. I just couldn't do it." Josh, he made this work, for as long as possible. But when approached by Natalies parents. Josh is left to take care of baby Tommy, alone, and homeless. 

"There are some sacrifices greater than love. And some loves greater than any sacrifice. Tommy's greater than both."
Seventeen. Homeless. Single Dad. With the help of his best friend, Hunter, Josh has managed to make it a week. Broke and in need of diapers, formula and wipes, Josh sales his pride and joy, his skate board. But he has finally reached his breaking point.  Until the strangest thing happened, the tiniest ray of sunlight shone between two buildings and something dropped next to him. And a little old lady, by the name of Chazarae, was smiling down on him. Little did Josh know, Chazarae was going to be his saving grace. After helping her with an errand, Chazarae offers a place for Josh and Tommy to live.

Life is routine and he is just coasting along, it is then that fate finds Josh again. His estranged uncle and aunt (from his dads side) run into Josh at the store, where they met his son Tommy (whom they never knew about.) Luckily, his Uncle Robby offers Josh a job that he cannot refuse. Things are going amazing, until she comes along.
"Some things will always be beautiful, even in the face of death."
Becca. Broken, beautiful, and also Chazaraes granddaughter, moves in with Chazarae. With her emerald eyes to die for, Becca has her own back story filled with secrets and fear.

Josh and Becca develop a beautiful friendship. Becca and Tommy have their own connection as well. But Josh, feared that Becca is going to leave them both, lets her in and falls in love.
"I love that she didn’t just want me. She wanted us. All three of us."
I don't want to give away the story...but you're going to cry, you are going to laugh, and you are going to be angry. Not only is this book about family, but its about friendship, love, and second chances. Each character is so well developed, and equally as important as the other, that you're going to fall in love with everyone, especially Tommy. The story line, well thought out, heartbreaking, but so happy!

I was a single mother for a while, taking care of a newborn on my own, when my (now) husband stepped up to the plate when another man disappeared. He loves him unconditionally, as if he was his own. And as a parent, I couldn't and wouldn't want anything else for my child.  So Kick Push really reached out and touched my heart. But honestly, I think even if you weren't in my shoes, the feels would just jump off the page, and touch your heart as well.
"There's a big difference between being happy and being selfish. Choose to be happy. Fire truck the rest."
Jay McLean is a firetrucking BEAST!!! Not only is she a phenomenal writer, but how many of you can say that one your all time favorite authors follows you on Facebook, and knows your personal life (not that she stalks me)? 

I truly highlighted half of this book. The words, inspiring and touching, some just funny as hell. I devoured this this book, crying and literally LAUGHING OUT LOUD and its going on my Top Books of 2015! 

Purchase: Amazon ($3.99) Go OneClick NOW!!!

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