Monday, June 15, 2015

Echo (Black Lotus #2)

Echo (Black Lotus #2) by E.K Blair
Released May 22, 2015
Spoiler Free Review by Krystal


"It's been said the longest echo ever measured lasted 75 seconds, but I can assure you, this will last much longer. The bang deafened the world around me, muting everything into nullity, allowing the reflection of its destruction to live far beyond its intended life. 

It will follow me forever, destroying me—destroying you.

You want answers? 

So do I."
Echo. Its about the aftermath of the Bang. Secrets. Everyone has them. Some are worse then others. But what do you do when secrets are revealed Ironically, they're now someone elses secrets.? BANG. was the last word we heard. And when we meet Nina again...3 men have been murdered...all Nina is left with is desolation, sadness, and pain. 

 photo tumblr_inline_mw6j3gOBJI1rvq4mj_zps6321c0ee.gifElizabeth (Nina) arrives in Scotland, desperate to feel a connection with her dead lover, Declan, she heads to the estate that he had always talked about. She misses him terribly and will do anything to feel close to him again. While in Scotland, she loses her grasp on reality even more and is in a very dark place in her head (coo-coo-crazy?). At this point...i'm like WTF is E.K. Blair doing...I'm confused and just want to flip to the end of the book... but there is someone from her past that is struggling with his feelings for her after all she's put him through, and of course that could be any of the men in her life. But hes turned into callous man, a monster.  Elizabeth is determined to make him see that she loves him, but is he too far gone?

I  had issues with a specific character in the book. I will not say the name, because that would be a spoiler. The dark place the author took this character didn't sit right with me, especially during a particular cringe-worthy scene. But the fact that Elizabeth sat there and endured the pain and punishment, also didn't sit right with me.  I know she is in a bad place, but to willingly put herself in that position, no mam.

We are introduced to many new characters in Echo. Many from the past, characters whose lives have intertwined with Elizabeth's on many different occasions. If you find yourself getting lost, you will eventually get an explanation.

Holy cliffhanger. Seriously?

Echo is several layers darker and twisted than Bang. It is nearly impossible to write a review of the story without giving away critical components of the story. There are so many twist, turns and dark corners in this one. It will test the strength of your stomach and sanity. It is a journey so far into the dark you will have to find the light when you are done. 

Purchase: Amazon

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